Thread: ellipsis

Sigh...sorry to do this, but it's bubble-pop time.

There's only two sound sources in this build, and one of those is a noise generator. Even with a uBraids, the sound is going to be a tad thin.

More confusingly, there's two very large and very complex filters in there. If there's only one actual oscillator, then why have those?

Also, why the ribbon controllers? Or two granular sample processors? Or a buffered mult when a passive one will do here? And where are your VCAs, even for just audio level control?

I have a feeling that these modules aren't going to work in the way you think they will. This might be pretty, but if you were to put this together for real, the only 'pretty' it's probably going to wind up being is 'pretty frustrating'.

See before going too much further, please. You're contemplating spending a sizable amount of money on something that's only barely a synthesizer if this is an actual consideration. If not, then scrap it, do some more research, and start over. This isn't a simple thing that can be tossed together casually; the likely result will be money ill-spent on a device that only causes annoyance when you figure out what it won't do.