Hi MG folks,

I posted a mini-rant about this (i'm in no way upset or angry, just a little frustrated) on the Facebook MW group about module function tagging . There was a time when one could select a module function, such as "VCA", and be presented with list of modules that served that function. Now when a user selects "VCA" they get result that include modules like "Percussa Super Signal Processor " which kind of defeats the purpose of categorization.

I understand that many modules have multiple functions and there is a benefit to cross-listing. I question the usefulness when that modules extra functions do not really meet the criteria of the function filter. The example above is extreme, because it illustrates how a user looking for a VCA will be presented with something utterly ridiculous for that function. Other cases like a drum module being cross listed as an Envelope Generator, because it has an EG, but that EG is not accessible for use with other modules, begs the question of it's intended function.

I do not have a solution, I wish I did. It was mentioned on Facebook that maybe there should be a logical separation of Function and Feature. For example, MATHS is many things and should by all means be cross-listed. However, it is at it's core a Utility module. If I could select the Function of Utility then further refine my filter by Feature tags, that would solve both the need for users and people listing modules with many uses. So basically, all modules could have a single main function and then have an unlimited number of features. The Function categories could be a little more broad to encapsulate the wide range of features many modules have.

I understand that, if implemented, it would require a large amount of data normalization and refinement. I am not totally sure how to handle something like that as I have not given it any thought beyond this sentence :)

I hope this all makes sense and it's not coming off sounding like nonsense or a complaint. I care about this site and use it daily.