Thank you all for your responses. I had slipped in a VCO as I made a patch I loved on Softube Modular and got greedy.

I realise - I want to be able to access and modulate what I have with ease rather than having loads of variables hidden in sub menus. Ivew got a Midiverb outboard for some generic backup hardware FX. So I ditched the Disting for starters.

After your comment and YouTubing I have revised to:
- Maths (Abacus - yes I know but I can afford it)
- 2 Plucks (TBC - but point noted above. This goes into the second round of buying)
- NanoRings - this all started as I wanted rings but no need for the full form factor. I like the CalSynth One
- Typhoon (Expanded Clouds Clone) - I realise I dont want to have to menu dive with Clouds so yes its lots of HP but as per comment above I either have it and enjoy it and have easy access or dont bother. I HATE MENU diving and sub functions.
- Ikarie - just seems brilliant
- Intelligel Sealegs - after much searching I just realised my favourite effect is always delay - plus the Reverb sounds good. Its alot of money and HP but I think its what I want and in many ways is the most creative effect when writing sequences.

I then have 8-12 HP depending on plucks. I will buy these first and see where I get but I feel I will need operators / mult / tools etc and just want to assess what first.

HAPAX has 4 CV and Gates Out plus the NiftyCase has 2 CVs + Gates so I can send LFOs / Automation and sequences from here.

I then think I will mix on my desk with seperate channels rather than summing in the rack.


I really appreciate your guidance.