Hi everyone,

I have some substantial bills coming up and need to move some gear, wouldn't normaly ask and I hope this is okay, I don't want to be annoying so I will only ask once.

Please take a look at my items for sale, I am open for sensible offers and yes I guess you could take advantage of my vulnerable position if you are that way inclined.

I also have a Roland R70 for sale - recently replaced the internal battery and gave it a good clean - there are one or two spots where the control labels have worn off but otherwise in excellent full working condition - perfect for those early Autechre drum rolls - you know the ones - very siliar to the R8 they used - £350

And a norns clone - Fates - brand new - lovingly built by my own hands to a very high standard - thoroughly tested. Currently has three knobs but has the capacity for a fourth knob for compatibility with other operating systems. Smokey grey acrylic case. Looks super nice! £400

If you are looking for some new music, I have a tryptych on bandcamp. The 3 LPs kel, mettle and scope are a complete work and stand listening from beginning to end if you like this kind of thing. I have had excellent reviews from the few folk who have taken the time to settle down and give them a good listen. It's kinda 'got to be in the mood' music I guess, but it is all live takes of performances on modular synths so 100% at home here. Please check it out, the whole discography is only £13.65 and if you want a discount on that you can get 20% off with the code 'modulargrid' without the quotes.

There is also a hint at future work in the Frozen Fractures release, separate from the 3 LPs.


Despite everything, I will still honour the charity release cash going to the food hub if you just buy that!

Any support is very much appreciated.

If there's nothing for you here then I sincerely wish you well and hope you have a great day