I used to be part of the "house band" at an open mic before Covid (the band was a drummer and me. Occasionally, the sound man would sit in on guitar). We would back up anyone who wanted back up. I was using the Sonuus G2M to trigger the synth with my bass guitar so I could play synth bass when appropriate. In between acts I would run a sequence and we'd jam until the next act was ready.
It's a good idea to have some kind of system for keeping your oscillators in tune if you're playing with other instruments. I have a TipTop Z3000 in my large rack () so it's easy enough just to dial up A440 and tune all the other oscillators to it. With my smaller rack (
) it wasn't as straght forward. I would use a tuner on my bass guitar and tune the synth to it.
Having the right musicians is important because they have to understand that when the sequence is running, it is king. You always have to listen to what the sequence is doing and play with it. Sometimes it's a set pattern, sometimes it's generative. When it's generative, you really have to be on your toes because you don't know where it's going.
I really liked playing with drummers. I was thinking about doing an act with a drummer and a sax player but it never got off the ground.