Easy! You check this site and decide if it is for you or not / download the firmware. Then you unplug your Batumi from Europower and plug it via USB to your PC. Start the "XAOC Firmware Update Tool Win". It should automatically find your connected Batumi (Power from USB, not the Eurorack Power) here you can select which FW you want. This one is called "batumi-iw-v1.0.bin". Select it and upload it to your module.

It just adds extra shapes to your assign out jack. Just press the select button on the batumi for 2 seconds. If you press it shorter you have a "Zoom mode" with attenuation, phase etc. But after a 2 seconds press (all LED flashing briefly) you can select four different types of random slew/stepped for each of the four LFOs with the sliders. Short press on the select button again and you are back to normal with the selected mode on your assign out. Pressing select for 4 seconds sets all LFOs back to standard operation (all LED flashing wild). It's really easy but adds so much.

Took me one or two sessions to familiarize it but I will definitely keep this FW.