I've been putting a rack (actually, multiple small racks) together for a couple of years now with the intention of having a respectably-sized setup for when I finally retire many years from now. The problem with what I currently have is that I can't just toss it in the car and take to a friend's place or bring it to work to fiddle with during my lunch hour (and maybe when in a boring tele-meeting with the mute on). So, I was thinking of coming up with a small case that is portable that I can just play around with.

I'd like to keep it as self-contained as possible (other than speakers). I'm figuring I'll start with an Intellijel 4U 104HP palette. For sequencing, I was thinking steppy and a mimetic (and though it's counter to my self-contained rule, I do keep going back and forth considering a keystep pro).

I wanted three voices: some form of percussion, a bassline, and a melody voice. After that, I'd like a nice little collection of modules for sound shaping and modulation.

The rack I linked is a first draft of what I was thinking of putting together. I'm not really set on any of the modules, and since I'd only be getting one or two modules each month, it will probably change as I go.

I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions. Am I missing anything? Anything you consider a waste of space? Is anything overlapping functionally?

ModularGrid Rack