Let's try to make it work. You'll need small fingers.
ModularGrid Rack

I kept the modules you already have, and the Nerdseq -- if you want a nerdseq nothing else will do.

  • The NerdSeq is the brains of the whole affair; expect to use every output to modulate something.
  • I had 2hp left over at the end so I stuck a hi-hat in here... a hi-hat is always useful.... and here the cables don't get the way too much.
  • Since you have a lot modulation from the NS, I replaced the TT Kick and Snare with BIA. It can do both jobs at the same time, and it is more fun. Added a Dual Attenuverter to give some hands on control of the modulation going into the BIA.
  • Added a filter to go with the CEM VCO; any 4hp filter will do, but the MS-22 seems cool.
  • Added Skis - use one envelope and one VCA with the CEM oscillator, one Envelope with the filter, and the other VCA on the FX send (more later) of the BIA, so you can sequence how when BIA gets sent to effects.
  • I left Rings as it was.

Finally the mixer section.

  • the tiny ph Modular mixer is your FX sub mix : mult an output from each voice into here; this goes into ....
  • the FX Aid XL gives you lots of cool effects and lots of modulation of them; I reckon creative FX use is the key to having fun with this case and making interesting sounds. I don't have an FX Aid but I want one!
  • The main mix is the Erica Drum mixer. It gives you enough (stereo) channels but only one is pannable -- loads of other options.

Anyway, there's one idea. I think this would be flexible enough to do something listenable, but limited enough to make it fun to find the solutions. It really does all hang on how much you like fiddling with the NerdSeq. Personally I would do something else : probably a lot more basic modulators in the rack, and a a beat step pro for the sequencing.