Funny you should ask this question because I'm currently rethinking my FX setup. I have the FX Aid XL and Milky Way for eurorack multi-effects, and haven't been 100% happy with the results. I'm also not a big fan of Clouds as an effect. A lot of that probably comes down to me and my creativity, as I have heard good results from all of those in demos. I do have the 4ms Dual Looping Delay and it is more of an instrument than an effect, and the Qu-Bit Data Bender which is pretty unique in what it does, so I'm happy with those. I also run my signal through some guitar effect pedals (most notably EHX Oceans 11, Warm Audio Jet Phaser, and Orange Kongpressor) with a Strymon AA.1, and prefer that route to the in-rack effects I currently have.
I think I would prefer something like the Springray that Garfield mentioned or Erica Black Spring Reverb as well as an analog BBD like the Pittsburgh or XAOC Sarajewo (expensive!) for the type of sound I usually aim for. I don't really use any plug-ins/DAW effects.
The one benefit of euro FX that I take advantage of is cv control over delay feedback for dub style swells, but I'm mostly hands-on, preferring to adjust effects on the fly.
I'll be watching this thread to see what others are doing.