If I was in your shoes, just starting out, this is the rack I would want to work towards. I have two of the TipTop Mantis racks (and I'll soon buy two more), so that's what I'm basing this on. They have plenty of power. I own about half of these modules and have enjoyed working with them
The TipTop Throbbing Gristle sample player that you chose is discontinued, I believe, though they do pop up used occasionally. Instead, I've substituted the Disting Ex and the Erica Sample Drum to cover those capabilities. Mutable Instruments' Plaits is a mega-versatile digital oscillator that can cover the ground of the Chord Organ you chose and do waaaayyyyyy more (including wavetables, analog modeling, noise, resonator, some fm, etc.). Along with that, I included the Dixie analog oscillator so you can get into complex oscillator territory, and a versatile filter. You'll want envelopes, VCAs, submixing for drums, and attenuators so Maths, Veils, and Shades cover that. And then you still have your drums and sequencers. I left 10hp blank too.
This would be a source of fun for a long time, and it's still got room to grow.
ModularGrid Rack