I was sent an e-mail, as all customers with outstanding orders were, on March 24th, giving me the option of three choices to go forward with my order:

  1. immediate refund.
  2. wait for delivery, but accept a very long delay
  3. receive credit note for full amount plus 15%

I told him i would have to take the refund, as the items i required were urgent, and i would have to go elsewhere to buy them.

He did not respond with a refund, even after the date of 29th March set out in the e-mail. So i followed it up several times, with no reply.

The first response i got was two weeks after the initial request for a refund, once i had opened a PayPal case against them, for items not received.

I did not initiate a request for a refund, but was forced to make the choice, and note it stated 'immediate' refund, so two weeks later i'm still waiting for that refund. Now i will get it from PayPal, but it needn't have been so difficult. He did not keep his word, and has made me run about trying to get what was promised.

That is bad faith practice for any business, and in the current climate it is to be expected your customers might have limited resources to work with. I am out for the cost of my items twice, having bought from two sellers now, one of which is withholding my money out of petty personal reasons. That to me spells 'unprofessional' in glaring neon letters. Make of it what you will.

Thank you.