Hi Lou, the short answer is no.

Small cases are exponentially more difficult to get anything useful from unless you're experienced in modular and know exactly what you want and need.

Steppy is a gate sequencer and doesn't handle pitch. You'll be reliant on the uMIDI hooked up to a DAW to get any musical notes to this set-up.

I think the two weeks you spent will probably require a few more doing research. It feels like you've added modules you've seen in a video or two rather than learning the basics of functionality when it comes to modular synthesis. This isn't a judgment of you and your abilities. It just feels like you haven't gotten as much out of your research as you're really going to need.

My first thought is for you to download VCV Rack. It's a Eurorack emulator and it is free. Build some patches and some sounds with it. If you can get useful things that sound good to you out of it, you're in a position to begin putting together some hardware.

What you have here will more than likely disappoint you. In your research, you may also want to look at the pros and cons of a "synth-voice" as the starting blocks of a Eurorack build. Then supplementing it with additional modules.