Thanks for your insight Lugia..
Really appreciate your constructive criticism and I'm not that proud to admit that I really liked how all these black and gold panels look together; but was often frustrated when patching as there was always something missing..

On to your points:

1) More VCAs (I have the 132-3s I could use and maybe get another Veils down the road as I like how clean it is)
2) Ditch Shelves and Rings; use Ripples and Wasp VCF for EQing/shaping sounds (gain some space for properly expanding)
Maybe ditch Edges too and build its 10hp version or just see if I'm missing anything.
3)I actually do have attenuverters from Blinds so I could maybe get some more (maths?!)
4) I like A-171-2 and plan to mod it for it to be more usable; maybe incorporate it to my main rack
5) no idea about the expert sleepers stuff; never used any of their modules but may need to take a closer look.
This may help to incorporate the modular in a hybrid setup more easily.
Could you please be more specific about utilities that you like/use ?
CV processing utilities, trigger generators etc?