$2000 budget.

Behringer Neutron $300.
Tip Top Mantis 2x104HP case $355.
Micro Ornaments & Crime $250
Micro Temps Utile $250
Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4 $180

That will take you up to $1335. I'm assuming that you'll be using your laptop to do your sequencing and have an audio interface.

I'd save the other $665 for your next round of improvements (I'd start looking at effects like the Tip Top Z-DSP). The Neutron's LFO can be slaved to your MIDI clock. You can use it to sync the Temps and O&C. You can always use an external LFO from the Disting or O&C in place of the internal LFO on the Neutron.

DO NOT mount the Neutron in the case. HP space is expensive and you lose access to the line-level ins-outs on the back when you mount it.

Don't spend your budget all in one shot. No one gets it right the first go around and you won't know where you want to go until you get some knob wiggling time under your belt. It's college... experiment. :)