I found 3189 threads containing EQ in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
A $199 Bode Frequency Shifter!?!? Modules by 5 134
venting blank panels? Modules by 25 373
Analogue Solutions sl-16 oberkorn sliders left side Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 10 7
ISHIZENO ONE Modules by 7 3
Roland System 500 - couple of issues Modules by 7 71
Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter Modules 7 31669
The Cursible - Sacrament Modular + Erica Synths Modules by 8 134
Pittsburgh Modular Sequencer Modules by 3 1330
Antumbra ATN8 Modules by 16 5530
Other VCAs Modules by 24 418
KICK ASS!!! for November 2018 Modules by 8 103
Behringer RS-9 Modules by 4 5903
Generate 3 pairing suggestions Modules by 2 182
Leet Modular. Thoughts, Interests? Modules by 1 47
Befaco Voltio Modules by 5 2068
ADDAC System ADDAC601 Fixed Filter Bank w/ newer specs (black) Modules by 2 1058
Synthesis Technology E340 Cloud Generator Modules by 4 3933
Ninstrument Dual Sequencer Modules by 1 147
Modulation source for complementing Pamela's New Workout Modules 25 1479
Intellijel µMIDI Pocket Operator sync? Modules by 3 3826
Moog Music Inc. DFAM - Drummer From Another Mother Modules by 12 17326
Dumb-ass noob installation question Modules by 5 54
does this exist? Modules by 4 16
Trigger Sequencers Modules by 1 9
Advice/opinions needed - next module Modules by 5 23
Any Ornament and Crime experts out there? Modules by 13 659
Neutron in eurorack noobery. Modules by 4 114
DivKid ochd Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 19 13279
the most AWESOME modulation module that DOESN'T EXIST (until someone builds one) Modules by 2 23
ALM Busy Circuits Pamela's PRO Workout Modules by 17 32967
Vaemi Shift Register DIY or Assembled Modules by 2 62
Catalyst Audio's Time's Arrow Modules by 6 1329
Mutable instruments Plaits Modules by 21 23454
Drum SEQ: Opinions/Experience/etc.. SWT16+ or Erica Modules by 7 191
Can someone assist me buying a PSU for cv.ocd? Modules by 5 50
Malekko Quad VCA - any thoughts? Modules by 10 264
Mutable Plaits Cheatsheet v1.2 Modules by 5 319
Advice on building a very small rack centered around 1 module. Modules by 2 34
Varigate 8+ Song Mode not working (despite firmware update) Modules by 1 86
Acid sequencer based on sting by iftah Modules by 1 49
EMW T-DRUM Modules by 1 404
trigger / gate addressable switch? Modules by 9 284
your top 10 favorite modules & WHY Modules by 2 390
Xaoc Devices Karl Marx Stadt Modules by 4 2292
Faulty Patching Panda Moon Phase - missing resonance on right channel Modules by 1 36
Synthesis Technology E370 Modules by 6 4186
searching for the module that could change incoming sequences and another one for gener... Modules by 3 69
Vaemi’s first Eurorack formatted module, high quality Thru Zero Oscillator “Osi-Op” Modules by 1 35
Stochastic Instruments NEW MODULE RELEASE—Strange-R: a Stochaotic Melodic Contour Seque... Modules by 3 66
Antimatter Launch Codes equivalent? Modules by 5 66
Other/unknown Random Volt Generator Modules by 1 26
Noise Engineering Tonnetz Sequent Modules by 1 516
Calibrating Rings / Knob positions? Modules by 4 92
Blukac Endless processor Vs Qu-Bit Bloom Modules by 2 102
PAiA 4720 Modules by 3 42
KICK ASS!!! for January 2018 Modules by 3 60
Dnipro modular Krait Modules by 8 11278
Eurorack Sampler Modules by 8 188
Strymon AA.1 Modules by 15 11511
Speakers Modules by 11 162
hexinverter.net Orbitals Modules by 11 940
KICK ASS!!! for July 2018 Modules by 4 43
Rossum Electro-Music's Control Forge - complex "wavetable like" CV modulation/sequencer... Modules by 1 84
KICK ASS!!! for March 2019 Modules by 1 117
VAEMI - XFMR Euro DI : Audio Demo : Vaemi (Eurorack) Modules by 1 15
Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Percussion Sequencer Modules by 2 2666
your favorite sequencer(s)? Modules by 8 728
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1467
Mutable instruments Bees in the Trees Modules by 14 59
Pittsburgh Modular Percussion Sequencer Modules by 1 12
Vaemi's new module, the XFMR VCA with transformer output and linear control, on sale now! Modules by 1 34
God Bless Everyone Who Owns Piston Honda... What About the Rest of Us?! Modules by 12 358
PAM - Resetting multipliers Modules by 2 49
New to modular, need some advice! Modules by 3 86
What single model will make the most improvement on audio? Modules by 12 268
Behringer SYSTEM 100 131 MIXER/OSCILLATOR/ HEADPHONE AMP Modules by 2 932
2.0 beta fw for Mannequins W/ Modules by 1 102
knob.farm Ooots Modules by 2 7800
Searching ads DANNYSOUND LOOPING VCADSR or befaco or a-140? Modules by 5 94
Synth addition for a dark ambient/Drone rack Modules by 6 275
A module to delay cv signals? Modules by 7 290
frequency central stasis leak background noise Modules by 10 136
Mother 32: which modules would you add? Modules by 8 126
Bastl Instruments CV TRINITY Modules by 2 1980
better OFFSET function for the Metropolix? Modules by 1 47
Tubbutec 6m0d6 via Midi Modules by 2 39
Analogue Solutions Eurokorn (Black) Modules by 1 764
Advice Needed: Integrating Taiga Synthesizer into Eurorack Setup Modules by 3 144
MI Rings, similar modules? Modules by 5 185
CV modulators/mixers with good haptic properties Modules by 7 121
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 872
XAOC Odessa pitch CV V/Oct input range Modules by 9 194
Intellijel Quadratt 1U Modules by 2 16838
Subharmonicon MIDI + internal seq. control Modules by 2 88
Modules with 3.5mm TRS MIDI Jacks Modules by 6 44
Buffered Multiples Question Modules by 2 26
A module that....... Modules by 9 184
V/OCT ISSUE - RINGS Modules by 6 94
Erica Synths LXR-02 Eurorack Module Modules by 3 814
What's Missing??? Modules by 3 10