@modnico What are you going for? Do you have a budget? Do you want a big case eventually to do other stuff and grow into? Do you want generated sequences, do you want to program sequences? Lots of questions before could recommend something to fit your needs.
-- obscuremachines

Hi @obscuremachines

@modnico What are you going for?
-- obscuremachines

The general idea is to set up a rack to create kicks and bass. I would like to integrate such rack with other gears that I have in my "studio" (bedroom) and be my DAW (Ableton installed in my Macbook ) as the center of the musical pruduction.
So, in other words, with Ableton I would like to arrange a song taking the kick and bass from the rack, and other synths sounds from other gears.
To connect the gears to my computer I'm using via USB a Fireface UCX connected via adat to a Beringher Ultragain PRO-8 digital (to have more inputs)

Do you have a budget?
-- obscuremachines

I don't know the budget. I'm not rich so I can't spend a lot of money on it. Let's see all the possibilities that will come out and I will make a decision based on what I can spend on it.

Do you want a big case eventually to do other stuff and grow into?
-- obscuremachines

More than a case (which I could make it by myself) maybe I prefer to have a good power source in case I would expand the rack in the future.

Do you want generated sequences, do you want to program sequences?
-- obscuremachines

I would like to be able to program sequence either via Ableton or with a controller MIDI connected to the rack

Thank you @obscuremachines for asking and helping me