Thread: First build

Hey there,

Im looking into building this over the next few months
ModularGrid Rack

Its small and full but after a fair amount of research and tinkering I think it does everything I'm looking for
which is

  • Reasonably flexible single voice synth
  • can be expanded with guitar pedals which i currently own alot of
  • can run a guitar through for some exploration (using a external pre amp first to get to line level)
  • can be sequenced by opz, keystep and daw

I guess im just posting here because I presume alot of you are far more experienced and might catch something dumb or have some suggestions on how to improve.. one of the areas I'm fairly flexible is on the chronoblob as id like to get maybe some reverb in here too but I want a lot of control over delay

Should probably point out im not past going larger with this setup
ModularGrid Rack

money not really an issue, just happy to limit myself a little to keep it small.