Interesting post, thanks! Question: Panharmonium is a pass-through in the video above until around 9 minutes yes?

  • If I understood you correctly, yes, the Pan is doing nothing until later in the video.

I recently got Wave Swarm hoping it would be a way to get thickened stereo versions of any wave I throw at it yet. So far I've only tried it on my smaller system with headphones and I'm not blown away by the results. In the next few days I'll get to try it on my bigger system via monitors and I'm hoping I'll hear a more positive and more noticeable difference.

  • I've not done enough with it yet, but I feel I'm getting subtle versions of what you describe. But the difference between the raw oscillator and the 'swarmed' version is fantastic. But it's not super wide stereo. I just wanted to thicken up the TsL in particular, without having to buy a CsL or similar. That said, I have a Castor & Pollux on order, and hope the Swarm will give that more thickness.

What I have heard so far is a clear sound which I think would be described as "multi-oscillator detune phase interference" which is common to the "supersaw" sounds we've all heard. What I haven't heard yet (and am hoping to) is stereo width and a strong illusion of supersaw-like sounds given (nearly) any input wave.

  • I'm wondering if the Acid Rain chainsaw might be better for the pure supersaw effect. I have a lot of digital oscillators, so wanted to get more fatness in my analogue sound sources.

Thanks for the post. If I have any new insights / learnings from my Wave Swarm I'll circle back with those.

  • Great - I would appreciate any feedback from your explorations!

-- nickgreenberg