Both Ornament and Crime as well as the Disting are kinda scary for me. I feel like it's easy to get lost in those while scrolling through tons of different functions. As much as I love my Pams the scrolling and setting up feels tedious at times. The Disting might be something I am willing to look into but for the sequencer, I really like the "simplicity" modules like the Digitalis have to offer (Every button to alter the sequence is right there/ simple led illustration). At first, I was even looking at something like a bunch of XAOC Tirana's (I really like the aesthetic of XAOC modules) but 6TE per 4 steps single sequence is rough when space is an issue.

Regarding the Sono Abitus, I am not quite sure if I understand what it has to offer. From my understanding, it is just a bunch of outputs, right? I mean everything the rack produces is mono anyway so every output on the Abitus is giving me the same signal. So it is like 5 outputs with one having an extra volume Knob?