I feel like my subconscious has been looking for a Throbbing Gristle module already... I'll check vids on these recommendations right now. Also I made a new post (sorry for so many I'm excited) with a dream rack that I'd love feedback on. Check it out!

and @sacguy71 I agree—I think there's a huge temptation among techy Eurorack builders to start their own brand, but with the element of reliability, it's definitely a 1%er game. You're right about more promotion being needed. It's such a niche community that promotion should be pretty straight forward; spend the money at the right podcasts, YouTube channels, sites like these. Seems like at that point the real game is having an amazing product. No one wants to buy some regular EG or VCA from an up-and-comer, we want to hit Happy Nerding or Pittsburgh for that. Aesthetics matter too—I personally find Tiptop's faceplates hideous and therefore won't be buying. I think to really make it work, you go the Folktek or Error route and just do something so unique it can't be ignored. Who knows if those guys are even making a livable income at it though.