If you're looking to sync to your DAW there's 2 ways I like doing that. One is via midi with my Yarns module. It has 4 channels of midi and gate sends and on board arpeggiator and euclidian sequencer. The other way is with the expert sleepers silent way modules. They have a few of them depending on what connections your audio interface has. I have the es3 that has lightpipe connection that lets me send 8 cv signals from my DAW including gates, LFOs, pitch cvs (which have a quicker response time than midi and can be automatically tuned by the software so perfect pitch tracking even on modules where the tracking is off) as well as allowing you to use an automation track from your DAW to control CV levels. So basically automation for your modular! If you have an audio interface thats dc coupled you can send cv signals from your audio interface output jacks using the silent way software without the need for their module. Spektro audio cv toolkit is also similarly useful for sending cv signals and I think was only $25 when I picked it up.