Except...there ARE some "rare birds" in pedal-land that are definitely pedals, but they don't have the footswitches. One is sitting just a foot away from me right now, in fact: the Korg X-911 "guitar synth". I've seen it used like that, with a guitar or other instrument played monophonically...and I've also seen (and used) it as a patchable processing device, with numerous patchpoints for synth functions AND additional footswitches.
-- Lugia

The Korg X-911 is an interesting case, and I think it's a good case of being viewable among the non-pedals when the checkbox to exclude pedals from the current view is checked.

I agree, there's stuff in there that's not supposed to be. But it takes a bit of care to pull things out of MG that people have in use in their builds. Even so, the pedals category could use a tad of careful cleaning.
-- Lugia

I'm not suggesting we take anything out, but rather to view the non-pedals display separately when looking through the Pedals section. Actually, I want to add more non-pedals, like standalone sequencers and samplers.