Hi Diego,
Thanks a lot for your response it opened my eyes on few factors and it was greatly helpful. I have to agree with you with everything you said, thus I had to change my setup a bit. Also to answer your question, I was messing around a bit with VCV Rack but certainly not enough. I will spend more time with it although I still would like to order first modules pretty soon.


So this is how my current setup looks like but honestly, first I am mainly focusing on modules that I plan to buy soon as there are too many things to talk about otherwise. My first modules would be: Rings, Clouds, Varigate 4+ and Quadratt 1U.

I guess it should be enough to start my modular working? I chose Varigate instead of New Workout because of the integrity with Voltage Block which might become handy in the future.

I know that I am a bit messy in my ideas here but modulars is such a huge topic that I think that it would really work well for me if I could actually start creating my patches using some modules. I have a very strong urge to start having trials and errors even if it means losing a bit of money.
