1 U
52 mm deep
Current Draw
17 mA +15V
17 mA -15V
0 mA 5V
$225 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

The Wave Folder is a nonlinear diode-based waveshaper with voltage-controllable gain and a 10-volt offset range.

Now you're probably asking yourself "mkay that sounds like my Bostron Zombie pedal, but 5 times what I paid for it at Banjo Centre. why do I want that? my Zombie is an exciting pink colour!"

The answer: this is more. in addition to being more money, we're talking more diodes, more output, more gain, more offset. more sound. the STG Soundlabs Wave Folder contains no less than 20 diodes, guaranteed or your money back. when I opened a certain un-named diode-based distortion pedal I found only 4 diodes. 5 times the diodes, five times the price: coincidence?

it's also, of course, completely different than your pretty pink distortion pedal. the circuit inside this module is licensed from Juergen Haible, and adapted by Yves Usson and Detachment 3 Engineering.


Ø 4.60 (5 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 25th 2012, 21:18 by Squiggletronics | last Change Oct 7th 2018, 02:18 by JohnLRice
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?