1 U
Current Draw
10 mA +15V
14 mA -15V
? mA 5V
$234 Price in €

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M2Synth Band Pass Filter 113

Band Pass Filter

The voltage controlled 12dB/octave 2-pole band pass filter passes a narrow band of frequencies while attenuating the frequencies above and below the cut-off frequency.

**Features **

  • 1 Volt / Octave cut-off frequency CV)

  • Cut-off modulation input with potentiometer attenuator (FM)

  • Resonance potentiometer control with an external CV resonance input

  • Self-oscillates with high resonance settings

  • Frequency range: 7Hz to >5.5kHz without any CV applied

submitted Jul 7th, 14:36 by mamonu | last Change Jul 7th, 14:36 by mamonu
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