3 U
Current Draw
? mA +15V
? mA -15V
? mA 5V

No info about availability.

Sequencer interface

The 961 Sequencer Interface consists of two multi-channel V-Trigger to S-Trigger converters, two S-Trigger to V-Trigger converters, and an audio to V-Trigger converter. A V-Trigger is a voltage trigger which is like a positive voltage Gate pulse. An S-Trigger is an active low "short" to ground signal which can be wired-or'd.

The V-Trigger to S-Trigger consists of six A inputs and six B inputs. The A inputs are level sensitive so the S-Trigger output is the same duration as the V-Trigger inputs. The B inputs are edge sensitive and drive a variable one-shot (using a unijunction transistor) so the S-Trigger output can be varied from 50 mS to 4 seconds.

submitted Jan 4th 2020, 03:42 by Lugia
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ControlThree Wave MusicDetroit ModularControl VoltageNoisebug


Found Sound


Nightlife Electronics

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?