Compact quad Envelope Generator
What better to deliver envelopes quickly than The Postman Envelope Generator by Hexinverter Electronique. The Postman provides 4 envelope generators and more.
The Postman generates Attack / Sustain / Release envelopes so it is ideal for percussive sounds. Each envelope is tailored through two controls; Attack and Release.
There is 1 Gate Output per EG plus channels 1 and 3 add additional inverted outputs. The Postman EG also has mixers for channels 1 & 2 and 3 & 4. This allows you to create sophisticated envelopes limited only by your imagination. The mixer even allows you to invert channels 1 and / or 3 in the mix.
Envelope status is displayed through 4 LEDs.
To top it all off this EG is FAST! It’s great for percussion, FX, sequences… just name it!
The Postman EG comes in two versions;
1U width with 0.748″ (19mm) knobs controlling 8 potentiometers (4 x Attack / Release)
2U width with 1″ (25.4mm) knobs controlling 10 potentiometers (4 x Attack / Release + 2 mixers)
Please note that the 1U version does not include the mixer or inverted channel outputs.
The module operates at +/- 15V and comes with a style power connector.