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? mA +15V
? mA -15V
? mA 5V

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CGS35 Steiner Synthacon VCF (1-space)


Unlisted Filter

Cat Girl Synth CGS35 VCF

Cat Girl Synthesizer's CGS35 Steiner Synthacon VCF built by Lower West Side Studio

The CGS35 Steiner / Synthacon Voltage Controlled Filter from Cat Girl Synthesizers is a “Tribute” module based on the Steiner-Parker VCF

The filter features 3 frequency inputs each with its own level control for mixing. There is also a master Output Level control. The filter can take one, two or three simultaneous inputs for a wide variety of effects.

Cutoff Frequency can be controlled through an external Control Voltage.

The CGS35 Steiner / Synthacon VCF comes in a 2U width with 1″ (25.4mm) knobs controlling 7 potentiometers.

Inputs include Low Pass, Band Pass and High Pass signals as well as a Control Voltage for Frequency

submitted Mar 26th 2020, 20:45 by Precarious | last Change Apr 12th 2020, 04:06 by Precarious
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?