Bonus rack

Bonus rack

ERD rack

ERD rack

Leibniz pod

Leibniz pod

Moog stereo pedalboard

Moog stereo pedalboard

Portable pres

Portable pres

Rhodes mk8 insert

Rhodes mk8 insert

blackbox ambient

blackbox ambient

chaos emperor dragon

chaos emperor dragon

controller skiff

controller skiff

haken companion

haken companion

harmosc pod

harmosc pod

i2c case idea

i2c case idea

i2c case idea (slim)

i2c case idea (slim)

icons boombox

icons boombox



mannequins palette

mannequins palette

metron skiff

metron skiff

metron skiff (long)

metron skiff (long)

metron skiff + midi

metron skiff + midi

mic box

mic box

mixer skiff

mixer skiff

radio processing

radio processing

s1mk2 companion system

s1mk2 companion system



tetraptych + skiffs

tetraptych + skiffs

tetraptych 1 - generative rhythm + drums

tetraptych 1 - generative rhythm + drums

tetraptych 2 - generative sequencing + modulation

tetraptych 2 - generative sequencing + modulation

tetraptych 3 - voices

tetraptych 3 - voices

tetraptych 4 - effects

tetraptych 4 - effects

the most over-the-top drum machine yet conceived

the most over-the-top drum machine yet conceived

very first rack (jan 2018)

very first rack (jan 2018)



zzz monorocket 600

zzz monorocket 600

zzz triptych

zzz triptych