Enhanced FET Compressor
FC500A Fet compressor is our full ground up redesign of the 1176LN type compressor with several extra features in a API500 series format. A version now has Pull high gain in input pot for easier compression setting and Sidechain HPF now goes to 500Hz. We have kept all the audio oddities of the side chain to keep the compression signature and extreme compression depth the same but added fully variable ratio from 3:1 to 20:1 and side chain HPF from 10 to 500Hz so the low end can be fully compressed or removed from the side chain to let the low end breath and make it easy to balance the compressed sound. The Fet has been constant temperature heated for perfect stability and compression linking is fully reworked so 2 or more comps can be linked with ease using the link switch with perfect matching between channels. The FC500 has a 45dB full gain path so can be used as medium level mic pre if no phantom is needed or external phantom power box used. The audio path has been fully redesigned for better signal to noise and headroom while still having a clarity and warmth so that it is at home tracking anything or paired on stereo buss duty. The FC500 is made so even at extreme settings is it hard to make the comp sound anything but fantastic.
Features for each Channel
Large 34mm white LED backlight GR/VU meter (meter light switches off when comp is switched OUT).
Hard relay bypass when comp power off or switched out.
Comp IN / OUT / Comp IN and link ON Toggle Switch with Blue Link LED
Meter Gain Reduction / +14dBM @ 0VU / +4dBM @ 0VU toggle switch
Electronic balanced input to handle extreme input levels without distortion.
Large 32mm chicken head input level control for easy setting of compression level with pull high gain setting.
Output level pot with 0 to 20dB of gain.
Variable ratio pot 3:1 to 20:1
Attack and Release pots
Variable SideChain High Pass Filter 10 to 500Hz
Huge output transformer (same size as Neve LO1166).
Internal jumper for output ground lift.
Double sided Gold plated rear edge connector.
3mm black anodised laser cut, vertical linished with white lasered on text for long lasting zero wear finish.
Compression linking uses the standard API link pin on the back edge connector to link 2 or more FC500.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
Australia | JLM audio FC500 FET compressor for 500 series. Amazing sounding 1176 sty... | $437.93 |
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