I found 367 threads containing Action in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
MDLR 14u/126hp - MODSEA020621 Racks by 3 59
Next steps advice, needed... Racks by 9 199
vpme.de Spooky Action Modules by 1 944
Now I've got a Marbles could I sell... Racks by 4 93
amb_rack.84_6u (current) Racks by 18 334
Twinkly You by 9 79
feedback + suggestions Racks by 7 144
Chainsaw jam You by 13 125
WMD Metron Test Case You this user has left ModularGrid 5 133
Hertz Donut WMD Techno Madness You this user has left ModularGrid by 13 162
Minimum Viable Party Racks by 7 255
feeling uninspired Racks by 22 267
Seeking Advice on First Modular Setup - Pittsburgh Modular EP-270/420 Case Racks by 20 281
My 1st Rack Racks by 9 229
Werkstatt Acid You by 5 53
Saturday Modular Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 5 36
Asian Dub Foundation - Coming Over Here Feat. Stewart Lee You by 1 11
Sequencer search, with repeat option Modular Discussions 78 1462
1u 104 HP Utility must have Modules Racks by 19 553
Tangerine Dream build? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 13 236
A simple new loop You by 5 36
uZeus Power problem Racks by 4 237
Replace pots Make Noise Maths ModularGrid by 43 844
Weekend Modular Eurorack Live patching Plaits with Quadrax and Friends You this user has left ModularGrid 3 33
First 60hp rack based on Pittsburgh Helix Racks by 8 92
So much for that "limited edition"! Modular Discussions 29 345
Av3ry, generative music & virtual persona Modular Discussions by 5 95
Tiny experimental-ish rack Racks by 20 464
Slightly weird drone You by 3 17
Novice 12U RackBrute "Everything and All" Case Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 6 173
Moog Mother 32 Subharmonicon Sound Design Rack Racks by 2 102
ambient like loop You by 55 606
Evening Modular Experiment: Droning tELHARMONIC You by 5 33
Some Kind of Four on the Floor Thing You by 8 79
Eurorack Begginer Racks by 3 105
Email Notifications? ModularGrid by 7 61
ERICA BLACK QUAD VCA - Is bleeding normal? Modules by 13 398
I started out making a Pad sound... You by 7 47
Quietest Powered Cases? Racks 9 292
Installing Malekko modules in Doepfer A100 basic case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 27 282
Looking for feedback on my first rack Racks by 11 227
Is there an extreme wide range LFO module that permits a full sweep with one knob? (Is ... Modules by 18 345
I quite like this one :) You by 8 115
First build goal. Pulling the triger on case and sequencer/sampler soon. Advice appreci... Racks by 1 140
Feedback or ideas please for minimalist filter/shaping rack? Racks by 6 150
Recording Questions - Mixing Plugins Modular Discussions by 7 66
First publication - so nervous ;-) You by 12 135
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501
Main Ambient Machine - 84 hp + 84 hp Racks by 10 289
Opinions? Starter Rack? enrich and compliment my DFAM Racks by 6 123
First module: sound source suitable for ambient/drones? Modular Discussions by 16 643
Musical probability Modular Discussions by 18 188
First Build - Looking for Suggestions and Criticism! Racks by 19 271
slavic viking schlager You by 8 50
Slightly Concerned Modular Discussions by 6 174
New to modular, need some advice! Modules by 3 86
6U 84 HP Eurorack Racks by 15 582
My irksome Eurorack Racks 5 573
New here, looking for some pointers Racks by 6 109
Any thoughts about my complete Noob Rack?? Racks by 2 109
Integration with DAW for a newbie Modular Discussions by 4 1024
Erica Rack Racks by 1 77
Ambient rack from existing user Question! Racks by 18 370
Throbbing House Groove You by 8 74
Some good VCOs required Modular Discussions by 20 1236
Expanding from Arturia MiniBrute 2s: effects, voices, rhythm Racks by 4 190
Behringer Neutron Expansion Racks by 5 289
Need advice on small techno jamming and idea generation rig Racks by 8 224
Disting playing in some Audio You by 7 76
Where to buy modular synth modules? Modular Discussions by 9 417
Crossfading Modular Discussions by 5 133
Why does it sound muddy? You by 13 433
CV to MIDI but not MIDI to CV? Modules by 6 200
idea for ambient rack Racks by 45 1181
Lunchbox for bugging out Racks by 2 61
Petite sampling rack advice? Racks by 7 159
New to modular? Maybe this can be a beacon? Modular Discussions by 12 497
Any glaring holes? Feedback appreciated Racks by 11 208
Metropolis: Using CLK Out to advance an external Sequence with Stage (Pitch) Offsets Patches by 1 42
Next step? Racks by 7 137
First Rack Racks by 4 48
Guitar Eurorack project Racks by 15 534
Opinions about what I could add to my rig Racks by 3 65
Patch #1 Patches by 1 35
Need your advice with the crispy and raw techno style rack Racks by 9 787
Small system to be sequenced by Ableton Live Racks by 21 806
Internal or External Mixer Modules by 11 1931
Live Performance, with a lack.... of... switches etc? Racks by 7 146
Live Setup for Technoid sounds as well as sonic exploration... Racks by 3 63
KICK ASS!!! for March 2019 Modules by 1 117
Additional rack with stand alone possibilities Racks by 2 56
modular modular case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 10 412
KICK ASS!!! for February 2019 Modules by 1 104
Beginner Racks by 6 155
Not enough VCA ? Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 185
Ambient Module Discussion + Juno integration Racks by 10 225
Arturia 6U rack - power adapters Racks by 6 402
MyStarterKit - What have I missed? Racks by 6 94
Rhythmic and melodic rack, what do you think? Racks by 14 407
phanta Racks by 8 360