8 HP
51 mm deep
Current Draw
12 mA +12V
8 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$110 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

4-Stage Envelope Generator

ADSR (4-stage) envelope generator with separate trigger and gate inputs, range switch and manual trigger button (Local).

Slow Mode:
Attack: 0-14 sec
Decay / Release: 0-38 sec

Fast Mode:
Attack: 0-1 sec
Decay / Release: 0-10 sec


submitted Aug 9th 2017, 22:47 by icaroferre | last Change Aug 28th 2018, 21:47 by Lugia
2hp ADSR$114.33
2hp ADSR$130.42
2hp ADSR$61.20
2hp ADSR$129.39