@Slim Did you receive your parcel? The user is not longer in suspend mode and offering chep modules.


Please can you remove the reported offers and the user, to secure your members? I reported this two times via mail, but no reaction.

-- Christoph1972

That is not entirely true, I replied to your mail on 6.5.
The user account is currently suspended until he resolved the issues.
Best, Knut

-- modulargrid

Your answer was removed to spam. Sorry for that. Thank you for suspending the user!


Please can you remove the reported offers and the user, to secure your members? I reported this two times via mail, but no reaction. If such offers are not deleted by the administration, this platform is simply unprofessional, the place to be for scammers!


this guy: https://modulargrid.net/e/users/view/231400 offered also on Ebay Kleinanzeigen. After requesting personel contact, I received no response. Therefore I informed Kleinanzeigen and all offers are now deleted, including the profile.